Is Buying Foreign Currency a Good Investment?

Investing in foreign currency is gaining the attention of an increasing number of investors. Foreign currency is particularly attractive for those who seek alternative investments that are relatively low risk and do not require a good deal of active participation. Although it may sound nebulous and a bit exotic, trading foreign currency can deliver both… Continue reading Is Buying Foreign Currency a Good Investment?

What is a Multi Currency System?

In today’s global economy, companies need to trade across borders to eliminate their growth ceiling.  However, once they start operating in foreign markets, these businesses will have to transact in several currencies, other than their home currency. German manufacturing companies, for example, may export to the UK, Africa, and the United States. Payments may therefore… Continue reading What is a Multi Currency System?

What is the Highest Currency in the World?

Currencies can fluctuate wildly, but some remain standout denominations that continue to be high year-round. The Kuwaiti dinar, for example, is considered one of the strongest global currencies. Whether making international transfers or considering trading currencies, it’s essential to have a firm grasp of the highest and lowest options, so you can determine what sort… Continue reading What is the Highest Currency in the World?

What Factors Affect Currency Exchange Rates?

When transferring cash abroad, the exchange rate is the key cost element that reflects how much of a forgein currency you’ll get in exchange for your dollars. While multiple factors can cause exchange rates to fluctuate, the core driver is supply and demand. Simply put, the more requirements there are for a currency, the more… Continue reading What Factors Affect Currency Exchange Rates?