How to Calculate Real Exchange Rate

Understanding exchange rates can be frustrating, and knowing when you’ve got a good rate even more so, with rates changing on a dime. The reality is that there are multiple calculations taking place, and the real effective exchange rate (REER) is calculated as the weighted average value of a basket of goods compared to what… Continue reading How to Calculate Real Exchange Rate

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What is the Highest Currency in the World?

Currencies can fluctuate wildly, but some remain standout denominations that continue to be high year-round. The Kuwaiti dinar, for example, is considered one of the strongest global currencies. Whether making international transfers or considering trading currencies, it’s essential to have a firm grasp of the highest and lowest options, so you can determine what sort… Continue reading What is the Highest Currency in the World?

What Factors Affect Currency Exchange Rates?

When transferring cash abroad, the exchange rate is the key cost element that reflects how much of a forgein currency you’ll get in exchange for your dollars. While multiple factors can cause exchange rates to fluctuate, the core driver is supply and demand. Simply put, the more requirements there are for a currency, the more… Continue reading What Factors Affect Currency Exchange Rates?

What is the Best Way to Travel With Money Overseas?

There are many options for traveling with money. Undoubtedly, the safest and most cost-effective is to choose a digital transfer service or a multi-currency account to keep your finances safe. But with multiple options from credit and debit cards, traveler’s checks, exchange services, and carrying physical cash, it pays to have a plan so you… Continue reading What is the Best Way to Travel With Money Overseas?

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How to Send Money Overseas

If you’re wondering how to send money overseas, online transfer services are the way to go as they provide fast money transfers anywhere in the world.  When sending money overseas, you’ll want to do your research to find the best offer, so you can decrease the fees common with international transfers. This will give you… Continue reading How to Send Money Overseas

Categorized as Transfers